"Writer "
Yonge subway line stare down—missed connections
Oh you X-rayed me alright, checked out my bones and what not and I’ll admit I was doing the same, CAT scan, MRI, you were delicious, every last morsel
You stood by the door and I stood by the nearest pole but because I had heavy bags, I sat down but in such a way that I could still look you over and feel your eyes all over me like fingers reading Braille
All this went on unsecretly. You tall and pouty-lipped and scruffy enough wearing your neutrals that you made the crowd disappear
I the blonde, wearing last year’s tights, and tall boots, eco-marked with whale logos
stood up, turned around, gave you my come hither and dared you, double dared
you, almost said it out loud to get you to walk out the doors of the subway
car with me
If you ever see this, which I doubt, don’t ever lose that sexy, sexy pout, you’re a piece of eye candy, that’s just dandy, a blonde’s too easy rhyme, see, we just ran out of time
See Bloor & Yonge station See The SubWay